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HP C6778A large format media Matte

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Info modified on:
07 Mar 2024, 15:34:52
End of life date:
01 Oct 2007
Long product name HP C6778A large format media Matte:

Colorlucent Backlit Film, 205 g/m2, 914 mm x 30.5 m

HP C6778A large format media Matte:

This long-lasting, translucent, front-print film delivers sharp, photo quality to create long-lasting economical Duratrans-like images. Use exclusively with HP UV ink supplies for brilliant moisture-, smear-, scratch- and fade-resistant displays that last up to five years in an indoor sealed lightbox and two years in an outdoor sealed lightbox.

Short summary description HP C6778A large format media Matte:

HP C6778A, Matte, 205 g/m²

Long summary description HP C6778A large format media Matte:

HP C6778A. Finish type: Matte, Print media weight: 205 g/m²

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